Fear is something we've lived with since the dawn of humanity. Over time, psychology emerged to define and identify the phobias of society. An example of these disorders is thalassophobia. How about learning what exactly this deep fear is and what causes it? You will soon find out if you suffer from this evil or not. Stay tuned for the main signs.
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Definition and common causes
The word thalassophobia is of Greek origin and means thalassa (“sea”) and phobos (“fear”), that is, it is the fear that an individual has of the sea and all its mysteries. This is a type of phobia related to the natural environment. Believe it or not, but these are the most common in people. An important piece of information that is interesting to keep in mind is that water-related phobias are more frequently diagnosed in women.
In addition to thalassophobia, there is also aquophobia. Both have completely different meanings. While thalassophobia is the fear of the sea and what it can hide in its depths, aquophobia is the fear of water itself.
There are some causes that are considered common when it comes to thalassophobia. Among them, we can point out: genetics, past experiences with large portions of water and breeding. The last one is one of the most relevant, because when parental figures are afraid of water or place this affliction on children, it is expected that they grow up with the fear already installed in their minds.
Signs and symptoms
Fear can appear in different situations involving water, such as going on a boat, visiting a beach or simply being close to the ocean. It is important to point out that there are cases in which the anxiety crisis is triggered only by images of the sea or only by the individual's thoughts.
You've probably come across something very dangerous That caused you a lot of fear, didn't it? Remember the feeling? Basically it's the same thing that happens to those who are having a crisis caused by thalassophobia. She activates the body's feeling of wanting to fight, flee or even be paralyzed in the face of the situation. Physical symptoms are characterized by excessive sweating, hyperventilation and an increased heart rate.