Dolphins SCREAM underwater because we are in the way

Science has studied communication between dolphins for years. They use noises at very specific frequencies to talk to each other. What has recently been discovered by scientists is that dolphins scream underwater because we are disturbing them. Can you imagine why?

Imagine that the ocean is like a city. It has its traffic routes, its residents and, mainly, its neighborhoods. The furthest away are the quietest, while those closest to the center are more chaotic and noisy. That's where the dolphin scream comes in. And also human beings.

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Dolphins scream because humans get in the way

Continuing with the city metaphor, let's say that we, the dolphins, other fish and sea creatures are the residents. When your neighbor throws a party with loud music, it's hard to hear who's in your own house, isn't it? Because that's how these mammals feel!

The noise of ships, oil and gas exploration platforms, military operations centers and even coastal cities can be heard in the ocean. This considerably hinders the communication of the animals. At least that is what is defended and published in Current Biology.

That's why dolphins scream. "Even so, there is a dramatic increase in the frequency with which they fail to coordinate," explained whale biologist Shane Gero.

Research on animals

In the study, scientists worked with two male dolphins in an experimental lagoon in Florida. The pair of mammals were trained to swim to different spots and press a button.

Before performing the task, they whistled.

By creating different soundscapes, the scientists noticed that the dolphins began to change their behavior to compensate for the loud noise. Often, they screeched, doubling the length of their whistles.

Also, the noisier it got, the less successful the dolphins were at the given task.

important communication

In nature, these animals do not scream. They use sound to communicate and find each other. With a lot of noise, the “conversation” between them is not so efficient. In some cases, it doesn't even happen. This hinders the hunting and survival of these little animals.

It is estimated that there are some parts that are already unviable for guaranteeing the survival of the dolphins. According to the Newspaper, these cetaceans have migrated from places where they cannot communicate, such as areas around Los Angeles or Boston in the United States.

Graduated in Social Communication at the Federal University of Goiás. Passionate about digital media, pop culture, technology, politics and psychoanalysis.

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