Kill the first impression WITHOUT opening your mouth in 8 simple steps

The first impression is the one that lasts, how many times have you heard that, right? And that's especially true when it comes to meeting new people.

While the way you speak and carry yourself can affect people's impression of you, sometimes first impressions are formed before you even open your mouth.

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Thinking about it, we decided to separate eight ways to make a good first impression without saying a word. Check it out now!

1. dress to impress

The way you dress can affect how people perceive you. If you want to make a good first impression, dress appropriately for the occasion.

If you are going to a job interview, be professionally presentable. But, if you're going on a date, choose clothes that make you feel confident and attractive.

2. Keep a confident posture

Your posture can say a lot about you. If you want to make a good first impression, maintain a confident and open demeanor.

To do this, keep your head up, shoulders back and arms outstretched. It will make you look more confident and approachable.

3. He used to smile

It's not news to say that smiling is one of the simplest and most effective ways to make a good first impression. A genuine smile can make people feel comfortable and happy around you.

So, don't forget to be aware of smiling with your eyes too, after all, a fake smile with just your lips can look like you're not being real.

4. make eye contact

Eye contact is an important part of non verbal comunication. When you make eye contact with someone, it shows that you are interested and involved in the conversation. This can help create a faster and more meaningful connection.

5. Don't forget the firm handshake

Did you know that a firm handshake can convey trust and respect? So when you go to greet someone, be aware of shaking hands firmly. This will show that you are confident, as well as showing respect for the other person.

6. Positive body language can help you

Your body language can say a lot about you. If you want to make a good first impression, use positive body language. This means that you should keep your hands open and gesture sparingly. With this behavior you will appear more confident and approachable.

7. Be a punctual person

Arriving late can leave a bad impression. If you want to make a good first impression, arrive on time. This will show that you are trustworthy and respect other people's time.

8. assume your identity

Finally, the most important way to make a good first impression is to be yourself. Trying to be someone you're not can be exhausting and insincere. Instead, be authentic and show who you really are. People are drawn to authenticity and sincerity, so be yourself and let your personality shine through.

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