Do you have excessive internet spending? Check ranking of the 10 best plans!

Can't take it anymore overspending with carrier account? Some fees offer readjustments, but the values ​​can become completely abusive over time. To escape any problem, the survey of data from the Melhor Plano platform has arrived to make our lives easier!

In the list of the 10 best operator plans for this year, Claro was the protagonist in four internet and telephone packages. The survey data promotes improvement in research for Wi-Fi fixed internet, mobile and Pay TV.

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Work was carried out with more than 60 promotional packages promoted in São Paulo, which is the capital that has the highest number of offers for operator plans. What a lot of people don't know is that the values ​​can vary according to the state, but we believe that it won't deviate from a certain standard.

Check the ranking!

Ranking with the best operator packages in 2023

1. Claro Controle 25GB

Claro's package offers unlimited access to TikTok, with 25 GB available to browse other social networks and offers unlimited calls to other operators. The plan costs BRL 69.90 per month, with a 12-month loyalty period.

2. Tim Control 30 GB

Access to social networks Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Messenger and Twitter is unlimited and does not consume the total plan of 30 GB. The value of the plan was evaluated at R$ 64.99.

3. clear post 50 GB

Claro's connection won third place with 50 GB costing BRL 99.90, in addition to having unlimited access to WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok and Waze.

4. clear post 100 GB

It offers a greater amount of internet giga and social networks with free browsing, as well as an extra data package to browse streaming platforms. The monthly package costs R$ 149.90.

5. Vivo Control 18 GB

Vivo's plan gained prominence for offering social networks with free navigation at a low price. The monthly amount is R$ 57.70.

6. Claro Controle 15 GB

Costing BRL 49.90 per month, Claro takes another place in the ranking for guaranteeing low prices and quality service to customers.

7. Tim Black 72Gb

The cost-benefit placed Tim Black in 7th place: 72 GB of internet and with the social networks WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram without consuming data for R$ 109.99.

8. Vivo Controle 26 GB

Offers access to social networks and does not deduct the value of the total package. The service is of quality and was stipulated for the value of R$ 77.00.

9. hello 30

The plan belongs to Correios Celular and won the position for being the cheapest plan in the country. It offers 3 GB of internet without WhatsApp consuming the package. The amount is R$ 30 per month.

10. Vivo Controle 30 GB

With unlimited calls, access to digital platforms without discounting the package, Vivo's plan stood out for offering several advantages to its customers for BRL 87.00 per month.

Lover of movies and series and everything that involves cinema. An active curious on the networks, always connected to information about the web.

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