Why does drinking lemon juice daily make a difference?

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the habit of drinking lemon juice every day will bring many benefits to your body, in addition to being a refreshing and delicious drink for be consumed, and can be used in other ways in food, such as seasoning in salads and side dishes.

After all, lemon is a wonderful source of antioxidants, vitamin C, calcium, folic acid and potassium, and consuming it will bring much more health and also beauty to skin and hair.

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Lemon in food brings many benefits

Check out the benefits of consuming lemon every day:

  • Boosts your immunity

Consuming lemon is one of the best sources of vitamin C for humans. With that, this vitamin assists in the greater production of white blood cells in the blood, the molecules responsible for the defense of our organism.

In addition, it has anti-inflammatory power for wounds and induces collagen production, increasing not only your health but also the beauty of your skin.

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  • Prevents diseases

Lemon is also a great source of antioxidants, the main defenders against free radicals in the body. It is these free radicals that usually damage cells, which can lead to cancer, heart disease, diabetes and accelerated aging.

  • improves digestion

The rind and pulp of the lemon are rich in pectin. A fiber that stimulates the production of liver enzymes responsible for cleaning some compounds during digestion.

  • Helps to lose weight

Pectin also brings a feeling of satiety for longer after consumed through lemon, consequently reducing constant hunger and helping to lose weight. As well as helping to reduce body fat.

  • Controls blood sugar

Because it is a fruit with a high fiber content, lemon also helps to balance the amount of sugar in the body's blood.

  • Decreases chances of having kidney stones

Lemon juice also increases the citrate content in the urine. Where this compound manages to bind to calcium, avoiding crystallization, which is what causes calculations or kidney stones.

  • Relieves sore throat

In addition to vitamin C itself helping in throat inflammation, making a mixture with lemon juice will bring an improvement. significant: a little honey in lemon juice is one of the most effective home remedies to relieve neck pain. throat.


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