Research points out which is the most 'depressing' phase of a person's life

Are you prepared to be willing to talk about a very interesting subject? Well, let's discuss about the combination of age and happiness.

There are those who say that he went through a phase of life where he saw no prospects for anything and lived in moments of sadness. But, after all, does it really exist?

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Happiness is a non-linear feeling

Research carried out in 2020, in the United States, pointed out that there is, yes, the famous “curve of happiness” and that most people notice it during their lifetime. In the studies, 134 countries were analyzed.

Undoubtedly, culture plays an important role in how we experience happiness throughout our lives. Each country has its own nuances and traditions that can influence our perspectives and emotions.

However, recent studies have revealed an interesting pattern: the peak of sadness tends to occur until the end of the forties, while the sense of appreciation begins to gain strength in this same phase of life. life.

Researchers dedicated to understanding the emotional aspects of human life claim that happiness reaches its peak after the age of 50.

It's as if a feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment gradually takes over at this stage of the journey.

Surprisingly, when it comes to the state of full unhappiness, it was observed that, on average, it occurs earlier in developed countries, around 47.2 years of age.

On the other hand, in developing countries, this number is a little later, around 48.2 years.

After all, what does psychology say about this phenomenon?

There are different theories, among them the fact that people go through adaptations with regard to their strengths and weaknesses in life stands out.

In addition, maturity makes the way of facing dreams and limitations more positive.

If you are wondering if the economic situation influences in any way, the answer is yes. Until the 40 years, people feel the financial impact on their lives a lot, and this ends up leaving them in a much greater state of frustration.

In summary, by the age of 40 most people will experience their deepest state of sadness. After that, especially when they are close to turning 50, people will enjoy a fuller and more intense happiness.

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