In the DF, schools program security for teachers and students

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The last few days have been filled with chaos and fear across the country. Attacks in schools, kindergartens and rumors of attacks on universities have left students, parents and teachers concerned about the situation. Because of this, the states are trying to reverse this wave of chaos and fear that has devastated the entire country.

In the Federal District, they are drawing up a greater security plan for public and private institutions, from nurseries to universities. The DF government spoke about this need last Thursday, 13.

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Federal District strengthens safety in education

Hélvia Paranaguá, Secretary of Education in the DF, said that all school directors will receive instructions on how they should act at that time. In common agreement, the Secretary of Public Security, Sandro Avelar, said that the school battalion team will be reinforced.

According to the Secretary of Education, everything needs to be reported to the police, regardless of any movement that has taken place.

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“Students hand it in: a student comes in and says: ‘Aunty, there are some boys talking about this and that’, and the director has to know exactly what he is going to do. Our bylaws even provide that, in extreme and necessary cases, the school management itself can open the child's backpack”, said Hélvia.

Following the same line, Avelar indicates that parents need to control the situation closely and observe their children's behavior. In addition to observing, he also indicates that parents can control and always check what their children carry in their backpacks.

“This control begins within our homes, within our families, whose parents presumably are supervising their children”, said the secretary.

Together with parents and education professionals, the Secretary of Public Security is to make the population report any type of movement and cooperate with these complaints. In cases of hazing or misleading messages, the individual who provides the wrong information may be fined BRL 4,000.

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