Perseid meteor shower is nearing its peak; see how to watch

One of the most dazzling celestial spectacles of the year, the perseid meteor shower, is already active and will last until the 1st of September, reaching its peak on the night of the 12th to the 13th of August.

These enchanting natural events occur as Earth traverses the cosmic debris trails left by comets and, occasionally, by asteroids.

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As they pass through our atmosphere at high speed, the small fragments of space debris burn up, creating the famous beams of light that we know as shooting Stars. Find out below how to witness this wonderful event.

millenary celestial phenomenon

A Meteor rain Perseids originates from the comet Swift-Tuttle, which circles the Sun every 133 years and has a nucleus an impressive 26 kilometers in diameter.

In turn, planet Earth crosses this trail of debris during the month of August, providing a true celestial spectacle for us down here.

(image: Brad Goldpaint/reproduction)

One of the notable features of the Perseids is their consistently high rate of visible meteors, up to dozens per hour under ideal conditions.

Normally, the rate varies between 50 and 75 meteors per hour, but in exceptional situations it can reach around 100 meteors per hour, depending on the clarity and darkness of the sky, as well as the field of view of the observer.

The luminosity of Perseid meteors is also remarkable, and they often leave long, persistent trails across the sky. Additionally, there is a high probability of seeing fireballs, which are exceptionally bright meteors.

How to watch?

For those who want to enjoy the celestial spectacle of the Perseids, it is important to know when and how to best observe them.

The meteor shower has been active since July 14th, with lower rates, but as we approach the peak, the amount of visible meteors will increase significantly.

In 2023, during the height of the rain, the Moon will be in its thin and waning phase, with only about 10% of its luminosity, which will favor a clearer observation of the phenomenon.

It is advisable not to restrict observation efforts only to the peak night, because, despite being the most intense moment, meteorological conditions can hinder visibility.

Instead, it is recommended to observe the sky on clear nights during the week leading up to the peak, as the Perseids tend to build up gradually towards the apex and rapidly decrease after he.

The best time to view the Perseids meteor shower on any given night is approximately from midnight until sunrise, when the radiant of the Perseids is at its highest point in the sky. Observers will be able to spot some meteors in the early evening, after sunset.

Tips for more clarity in observation

For a more successful observation experience, it is important to follow some valuable tips. Checking the weather forecast before heading out is crucial as clearer skies make for a richer view.

Seeking a safe, dark area, away from city lights, is essential to avoid light pollution and improve observation. Finding an open area with a wide field of view in the sky and horizon will also maximize the chances of spotting meteors, which can be seen anywhere in the sky.

Also, adapting your eyes to the dark for about 20 minutes, avoiding bright light sources, including cell phones, will help you see the faintest meteors. Finally, dedicating more time to observation will allow more meteors to be seen, making the experience even more spectacular.

The Perseids meteor shower is a unique opportunity for astronomyand for those who seek to connect with the universe.

By following these guidelines and appreciating the beauty and magic of the starry sky, everyone will be able to enjoy this wonderful celestial spectacle.

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