Natural Aspects of the State of Alagoas

Alagoas is a Brazilian state located in the Northeast region. Its territory presents diverse landscapes. The natural geographic space of Alagoas is formed from natural elements, such as: relief, climate, vegetation and hydrography.
In the territory of Alagoas, three relief units are identified: coastal plain, plateau and depression. In much of the state the topography is flat, not exceeding 300 meters in altitude, except for Serra Santa Cruz, which has an altitude of 844 meters above sea level.
Two types of climate prevail in the state: the semi-arid and the humid tropical. The semi-arid climate is typical of the hinterland of Alagoas, being predominant in a large part of the territory. The humid tropical climate occurs on the coast of Alagoas, where rainfall is higher. The average annual temperature is always above 24°C.
In tropical areas located on the coast, coastal vegetation is identified (mangroves, coconut trees, etc.), in addition to restricted areas of Atlantic forest. This portion of the state is called Zona da Mata. Finally, in the west of the state, what prevails is the vegetation of the Caatinga.

The Borborema plateau is the place where practically all the rivers in the state of Alagoas are born. These rivers flow into the São Francisco or go straight to the sea. Without counting the São Francisco River, the Mandaú and Paraíba do Meio rivers still exist in the state.

By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

alagoas - Northeast region - geography of Brazil - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School -

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