Apple peel tea: know the benefits and learn how to prepare it

Are you from the team that loves teas? If so, know that you are strengthening a great habit, as teas offer several health benefits.

But, have you ever heard of tea? apple peel? Well, it's perfect to drink warm when the weather is cold, as well as cold in summer times.

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Do you want to know more about the benefits and preparation method? So, continue reading.

Another use of apple peels

Speak the truth, one of the best things in winter periods is being able to relax and have a delicioustea, Is not it? Among several options, in this article we will highlight the one made with the skin of the apple.

Experts say that this tea is great for health and helps prevent various diseases. Also, it's great to include during a process of slimming. This is due to the wealth of fibers, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals present.

How often should I drink tea on a daily basis?

The ideal is to be consumed once a day and preferably half an hour before lunch or dinner. The quantity is just one cup. If you prefer, you can also take it before bed.

To prepare it, the following ingredients are needed:

  • 500 ml of water;
  • Fresh peels of 3 apples;
  • Cinnamon, cloves and sugar to taste.

Regarding the method of preparation, start by boiling the water and then add the husks, cloves and cinnamon.

When all the ingredients are in the water, let it boil for another 1 minute. Finally, strain and add as much sugar as you like.

So, what did you think of the recipe? It is very simple to prepare, isn't it?

Along with the tea, prepare a delicious cake to go with it and invite friends and family to taste this tasty treat. coffeepm.

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