Generation Z is afraid of being replaced by robots

Brazil has been experiencing a major problem in relation to access to job. In fact, in addition to the almost 12 million people unemployed in the first quarter of 2022 in the country, the situation has been getting worse and worse when it comes to the lack of training and access to digital resources of quality.

In fact, only 29% of Brazilians are considered qualified, 26% partially qualified, 25% practically outside of everything that involves the digital world, using only 1% of the resources, and 20% are completely unprepared.

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In this way, it is understood that one third of workers, in Brazil and in the world, are afraid of lose their jobs to a machine, in view of the large existing gap, arising from failures in professional training. “the important thing is to train yourself, go in search of professional qualification and not expect the company to do it for you”, point out the specialists. In addition, some surveys claim that 70% of professionals with skills valued by the market are more likely to be satisfied with their respective professions.

However, curiously or not, the people who feel threatened by technology are not older people. According to the survey, 38% of people who were born up to 1997, the generation Z, are afraid of being replaced by robots in their jobs, against only 19% of people born between 1946 and 1964, the baby boomers. That is, generation Z is the one that is most afraid of the lack of technological training on the part of their employers, making up 44%, against 29% of boomers.

Geographer and pseudo writer (or otherwise), I'm 23 years old, from Rio Grande do Sul, lover of the seventh art and everything that involves communication.

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