You do this? 6 things that SCARE your cat

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Cats are very sensitive animals and sometimes have unpredictable behaviors. As an example of this, it is common to see cats having fearful reactions to simple things in our daily lives.

So it's quite possible that you're scaring your furry friend without knowing it!

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In this article, we separate 6 things that scare your cat and which seem to be totally harmless to us humans.

Do you do any of these things? Continue reading and find out!

6 things that scare your cat - and you don't even realize it!

open a wine

Curious that, isn't it? It even seems that the cat is disappointed that you consume alcohol, but that's not it.

Felines have a sensational sense of smell, so they don't really like strong and acidic smells, like vinegar, onions and, guess what: wine!

play with balloons

No, your cats are not averse to birthday parties or celebrations.

It turns out that many of them see balloons as huge threats that can fall from the sky at any moment - or as a huge animal that they don't have the strength (or size) to fight.

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And please don't give your cat a balloon to play with. They can be very startled by the popping noise, and if they are biting into the bladder, they could injure themselves or swallow small pieces of it.

By the way…

super loud noises

Just like smell, kitty audition is also sensitive. That's why they hate noisy objects in our house, like the vacuum cleaner.

They are also terrified of fireworks, horns, loud music and thunderstorms. They may have cardiac arrest or seizures with very loud noises.

Even those little rattles on your cat's collar are torture for him. It is indicated that tutors remove the props and leave only the collar.

'I do not talk with strangers'

Cats don't like strange people. They are somewhat antisocial animals – much more so than dogs, for example.

They believe that a visitor arriving at their home is invading their space, so they hide. But that's just a matter of time before they get used to the news.


Routine? Yes please.

Kittens hate change. Therefore, routine is something that deeply comforts.

They like to have their own time to eat, play, go to the bathroom, and they like to always have access to the same people. Are small virginians.

'What are you looking at?'

Finally, cats don't like to be stared at, especially if it's by a person they're not used to. They interpret this as a threat. So, avoid it whenever possible.

Graduated in Social Communication at the Federal University of Goiás. Passionate about digital media, pop culture, technology, politics and psychoanalysis.
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