Know the advantages and disadvantages of being an observer

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you usually pay attention what happens around you? It is increasingly difficult to stop and observe the day, the nature and people in our daily lives. This does not always happen on purpose, since, most of the time, obligations and worries occupy the mind and do not let people enjoy small pleasures.

However, there are observant people who can visualize certain situations more quickly. Do you consider yourself a observant person? Check out the advantages and disadvantages of having this skill.

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Benefits of being an observant person

Being an observant person has very clear advantages that can be used for the most diverse purposes and in completely different areas. Check out some of these benefits below:

  • Easily create new friendships

Observant people tend to pay more attention to the behavior of those around them. Because of this, they can identify each other's personality and connect with it without much difficulty.

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  • Always know the news

Those who are very observant tend to pay attention to the most different conversations and discussions. Thus, the observer always knows a little about each subject and stays on top of the news.

  • Solve problems faster

Many problems are solved when someone can look at the situation from a different perspective. Observant people can gain new insights into problems quickly and always come up with creative ideas for solving them.

Disadvantages of being an observant person

It is not always advantageous to observe everything and everyone. Observant people can suffer from various problems if they cannot reflect on themselves for a few moments. Here are some disadvantages of being too observant:

  • Is sensitive to the feelings of others

Observant people can connect with other people's feelings with a frequency that isn't always healthy. So it's important to remember that you can't be emotionally responsible for everyone.

  • It's seen as fake

As stated earlier, observant people make friends quickly and with people of different personalities. This can generate a certain envy in those who are not so easy to create new bonds, who end up seeing observers as false.

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