5 negative consequences of comparing children

Unfortunately, it is all too common for parents to compare their children with other children, mainly because they think it will make them want to be as excellent as the others.

But when you start to compare your children with other children, the effects of this can be opposites, causing their mental health to be harmed, in addition to also affecting their self-esteem from them.

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The little ones can, yes, be encouraged to experience competition, being motivated to be better, but this should not be related to comparison.

In this article, we brought some of the negative consequences that comparison can bring to your children's lives. Follow next!

5 bad consequences of comparing the lives of children

It affects mental health.

When children are compared, automatically some goals are created in their consciousness, and when these goals are not reached, they start to feel frustrated, which affects mental health.

Parents need to treat their children as individuals, understanding their limitations and being very respectful.

loss of uniqueness

Another consequence that comparison can bring to your children is that they lose their uniqueness. There are many characteristics and quirks that are unique to each child.

While some may excel in school, others may excel at sports, music, or other pursuits.

So don't show dissatisfaction with what your child does best, just because he doesn't comply with what you planned. Remember that he has his singularities.

Marks and traumas for a lifetime

When children are compared a lot during infancy, they can carry these marks throughout their lives and the tendency is for them to replicate this with their children in the future.

Therefore, always try to remember that your child is special the way he came into the world, always guiding him with great respect and love in his decisions.

Seeing themselves as objects

Another consequence that comparing children can bring is that they come to be seen as objects, as parents tend to show them as a trophy to other people.

lack of self-sufficiency

When children are often compared with others, they come to feel that they are not self-sufficient, and this is a great danger.

Therefore, always be careful not to compare your children, so that they do not see their peers as competitors and always want to be better than others.

The comparisons that parents make with their children can create lifelong marks. Therefore, if you want to do differently, cultivate the skills your children have, and always remind them of their potential.

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