Learn how to care for anthuriums by checking out these foolproof tips

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Anthuriums are beautiful plants that flower almost every season of the year. However, if the vase in which it is grown is left in an inappropriate environment, for example, its leaves may be damaged in a short time. After all, the anthurium plant requires specific conditions for its development. Want to know more? So keep reading and learn how to care for anthuriums.

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The cultivation of anthuriums

As much as it is famous for the name anthurium, its scientific name is Anthurium. These plants are resistant and can be cultivated in different regions of the country. Furthermore, there are about 600 species of anthurium registered, which makes it easy to find one that suits the climatic conditions of your city.

Anthuriums are not a flower

A cool curiosity about this plant is that the part known as the flower is actually a modified leaf, which can be called a colored bract or inflorescence. Such a differentiated leaf has several different colors, with the aim of attracting little animals that act as pollinators.

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The soil preparation

The first measure when deciding to cultivate anthuriums is to pay attention to the soil. Even if it is raised in a vase, it requires nutrients to develop. For this, you can mix coconut fiber and ground substrate.

In addition, its apparent roots also need care. In this case, they signal that you will have to move the plant to a larger pot. However, if you prefer, you can also plant them directly in the ground, as anthuriums adapt well to flower beds and gardens.

Suitable conditions for anthuriums

  • light and temperature

As much as anthuriums are a tropical plant, they should not be exposed to constant heat and direct light. Therefore, although they accept high temperatures, they prefer indirect light and shade. Also, they don't like very cold and can't stand frost.

  • ideal location

If you prefer to grow your anthurium in the pot it came in, a good alternative is to place it near a window or a balcony. Thus, he will be sheltered from the heat and receive indirect sunlight.

  • watering

Anthurium is a plant that likes moisture, but does not adapt well to soggy soils. In this sense, it is necessary to be careful not to exaggerate the amount during watering. Most of the time, just add water three times a week, thus ensuring that the earth is always wet.

  • Pruning

For this species of plant, regular pruning is not necessary. However, it is common for the inflorescence and other leaves to dry out. In that case, just remove them with your hands or with the help of scissors.

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