Scientists confirm: destruction of the sun has a date to happen!

O Sun, our main source of heat and light, is a constantly active star. It was through him that our solar system came into being and it will be through him that everything will also disappear.

This premise, which has already been embraced by many religions and beliefs, now also has a scientific basis, in addition to a scheduled date for it to occur.

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This idea may seem daunting, but scientists have been dedicated to studying this powerful star and its evolution to understand when this will happen. The answer you will find in the text below!

Is the end of everything coming?

The Sun is a middle-aged star, about 5 billion years old. As he ages, he goes through a series of transformations. When most of the hydrogen in its core is consumed, it will transform into a red giant.

In this phase, the Sun will expand, swallowing nearby planets like Mercury and Venus. Its solar winds will be so intense that they will nullify Earth's magnetic field and remove its atmosphere.

(Image: Getty Images)

This process will take billions of years to occur, and Earth's ultimate fate is grim. Studies indicate that the Sun's expansion will eventually consume our planet's rocky remains.

Before then, the gradual increase in the Sun's brightness will have vaporized Earth's oceans, making life impossible to sustain.

However, it is important to point out that these events are not expected to happen in the near future. As already mentioned, we still have millions, if not billions, of years before the Sun reaches this stage.

Scientists have dedicated themselves to researching and understanding stellar evolution to provide us with reliable estimates of the Sun's remaining lifetime.

But how long are we really talking about? The total lifespan of the sun will be around 10 billion years or more, according to astrophysicists.

This estimate is based on recent scientific advances, which have allowed us to better understand the nuclear reactions and fusion that occur in its core. These discoveries allow us to better understand our place in universe and the transitory nature of all things.

While the end of the Sun may seem distant and frightening, it is also a reminder of how important it is to care for our planet and appreciate the life we ​​have while it still exists.

In the meantime, science continues to advance, providing new discoveries and insights into how the universe works.

It's an exciting journey that helps us better understand our place in the cosmos and appreciate the wonder and beauty of the world we inhabit.

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