Women represent the vast majority in the teaching field.

According to surveys, Brazilian education is mostly made up of women, with 79.2% being teachers. These data were provided by the 2022 School Census carried out annually by the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep), autarchy linked to the Ministry of Education (MEC).

The area of ​​Brazilian education is mostly composed of women

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When it comes to child education, practically all the teachers are present, around 97.2% are in day care centers and 94.2% in preschools. In elementary school, this percentage is 77.5%. In high school, 57.5%.

And what is the age group of the teachers?

Most of the teachers are between 40 and 49 years old (35.2%), being the predominant age group in all teaching stages. Women between 30 and 39 years old represent 28.5%. Below them are those from 50 to 54 years old with 12.2%, later from 25 to 29 years old (8.3%) and finally up to 24 years old (3.4%).

What about managing basic education and higher education students?

They also represent the majority in basic education management, with 80.7% of directors. However, when it comes to students, this percentage decreases to 49.4%.

When the studies pointed to higher education students, it was observed that 58.1% enrolled are women, the degree, in particular, we have a total of 72.5% female. Regarding students who completed courses, women are also dominating with 61%.

And the men, are they ahead in any aspect?

When it comes to teaching in higher education, men are ahead of women. They represent 52.98% of the teachers at this stage.

And in graduate school, how are the rates?

In graduate school, 54% of students are represented by women. In relation to masters and doctorates, out of 405 thousand students, 221 thousand are female.

Regarding university scholarships, they are also in the majority. Data from 2020 say that 58% of fellows are women.

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