Meaning of Verb (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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Verb is a word originating from the Latin term "verbum", which means "word". In the Grammar of the Portuguese Language, it designates the class of words that indicate action, one situation or state change.

Verbs can be inflected in People (first, second and third), Number (singular or plural), Mode (indicative, subjunctive and imperative), Time (present, past tense perfect, past tense imperfect, past tense more-than-perfect, future present, future past tense) and Voice (active, passive or reflective).

Verbs are classified by the Conjugation (first, ending in air; Monday in er; third, in go), Semantics (transitives, intransitives, impersonals and connecting verbs) and also regarding the Morphology (regular and irregular, which include anomalous, defective and abundant verbs).

transitive and intransitive verbs

A transitive verb is one that admits the direct complement, indirect complement or direct and indirect complement. In this case, the semantic content of the verb is transferred to the complement in question.

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Intransitive is the designation of a verb that is constructed without a direct or indirect complement. (for example: born, die). In this case, the semantic content of the verb does not carry over to the complement.

Word of Life

In the religious context, the term "Word", when written with a capital initial, designates the word of God or the very God, as written in the Holy Bible: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." (João 1:1)

This word is used in the New Testament, more specifically in the Gospel of John, to describe Jesus, who reveals God's intelligence and wisdom. In some translations of the Bible, Verb is replaced by the term "Word".

The designation of Verb serves to describe the Son, Jesus, who has the essence of God and is part of the Holy Trinity.

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