Why should we take a nap after lunch?

After lunch, it's common to fall asleep and feel the need to take a nap. It turns out that recent studies show that there are benefits associated with this practice. Furthermore, nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar decided to give some tips in a reels on his Instagram, explaining the benefits of napping after lunch. Check it out now.

Napping after lunch is good for health

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Several studies confirm: napping after lunch is good for your health. Among the many benefits, we can cite positive effects for cognition, mood improvement, reduction of fatigue and even a feeling of well-being. Here are some reasons to take a nap after lunch:

  • Improved heart health, especially in people with high blood pressure or those who have undergone heart surgery;
  • Hormonal balance (good for those suffering from diabetes, thyroid problems and other problems);
  • Improves digestion (helps with constipation, indigestion, acne and even dandruff problems);
  • Improves your sleep at night (helps with insomnia);
  • Improves your post-exercise recovery;
  • Aids in fat loss.

However, in order to obtain all these benefits, there is a correct way to take a nap, according to the nutritionist. Follow these tips:

  • When: right after lunch;
  • How to: Lie in the fetal position turning to the left side;
  • Duration: 10-30 minutes maximum, extendable to 90 minutes if you are younger or sick;
  • Ideal time: between 13:00 and 15:00.

Alternative ways to rest

We can't always afford to lie down for 30 minutes after our lunch, especially when we're away from home or working. However, there are some ways to adapt your nap so that you can rest. See how:

  • If you're at home, the best place is your bed;
  • If you're at work, you can lay your head on the table, leaning on your arm;
  • Other places: if there is an armchair, it can also be a good resting option. If there's no corner for you to lay your head, contemplating the horizon from a window can be relaxing.

Things NOT to do

There are also some things you should avoid at all costs, such as:

  • Take naps from 4 pm to 7 pm;
  • Abuse of stimulating substances, such as coffee or chocolate and cigarettes after lunch;
  • Napping more than 30 minutes more than once;
  • Sleeping with screens on.
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