An AI was created that broke all records of the popular dinosaur minigame

When navigating through Google Chrome, you may see the message “could not load the webpage” if your internet drops or your connection is slow. In such cases, the browser is specially designed to generate a pixelated dinosaur, which with just one tap turns into a rather curious game.

This entertainment was created by the company Mountain View, with the aim of distracting users from the slowness of sites to load on the screen. It can be more difficult than it looks, which is why very few people in the world manage to beat the record in the game of dinosaur Of google.

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It was for this reason that YouTuber Santi Fiorino developed an artificial intelligence (AI) capable of winning the challenge. Want to know how it works? We tell you all about this technology below.

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An original idea that perfectly fulfills its function!

If you've ever tried to play Google's dinosaur game, you know that as the speed increases and more obstacles appear, the challenge of reaching the end gets harder and harder. But if this technology were analyzed by an artificial intelligence, what would the result be? Find out below.

The unbeatable dinosaur game challenge

The dinosaur game is very simple and mechanical, as all you have to do is press the screen to overcome the different obstacles that appear. However, as the seconds pass, it gets more complicated. That's why YouTuber Santi Fiorino created an algorithm based on artificial intelligence capable of learn from experiences and make improvements quickly and continuously to beat records previous.

How does the AI ​​in the dinosaur game work?

The operation of artificial intelligence is based on the laws of physics present in the game. For this reason, it was initially necessary to calculate and program the detection of collisions, the jumps and their height levels, since that there are different types of obstacles and the reach of the dinosaur depends on the pressure made with the finger or on the click of the mouse.

Finally, when analyzing and adding the codes for the variables of jumping ability, distance and volume of obstacles, it was possible to determine an algorithm of the alternative version of the classic game, designed to anticipate and survive the challenges to View. In this way, it is easier to reach the end of the journey while the web page takes time to update.

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