Banco do Brasil launches card combo with free internet

Digital cards are becoming more and more popular, and, not to be left behind, Banco do Brasil announced, in December last year, its own digital card, the Ourocard Digital Elo. The difference between this option and the rest of the institution is that it does not have a physical version and is free of annual fees.

In addition, even people who do not have a checking account at BB can request and use the card. Another benefit is that Ourocard Digital Elo offers 1 GB of internet for free every month to service users. But attention: the promotion will only be valid until the month of June 2023.

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Thus, users can make purchases digitally, using either Google Pay or Apple Pay, as this digital card is not yet properly compatible with Samsung Pay, another wallet service digital. Furthermore, it is possible that the payments carried out by scanning QR Code.

Payments with this type of card are made quite simply, despite all the technology involved. To do so, you need to add it to one of the aforementioned digital wallets and make payments using your cell phone, or by

QR Code, for physical purchases.

Now, for online purchases, just access the bank application with login and password, access “Cards” and select the image of the card. Then, just select “View Details”, enter the password and tap “Continue”.

In addition, it is also possible to make purchases based on the card number, through Ourocard-e, which brings more security to the transactions carried out.

Finally, Banco do Brasil said in an official statement that this card alternative will be available initially only for people who do not have a current account at the institution, being expanded gradually, until reaching all customers.

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