Writer presumed dead surprises by posting on Facebook that she is alive

The moment of someone's death is memorable. However, there are cases where this moment ends up becoming a reason for jokes and anger. This was the case with writer Susan Meachen. She, who reportedly committed suicide in 2020, ended up announcing in a private group of independent writers, last Monday, the 16th, that she is alive. Learn all about Susan's case after the faked death.

See below the amazing story of writer Susan Meachen

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The writer's death was announced through a profile on her daughter's social network. The text said that Susan Meachen had committed suicide due to bullying suffered in the indie author community.

After learning of the writer's death, the group members organized a crowdfunding to pay for Susan's funeral and also mobilized for an anti-bullying anthology. In addition, as a way of honoring her, they proposed to edit the last book written by the writer.

Comments at the time ranged from “Sending you all love and hugs” to “Best of luck to you and your family dear.” As a thank you, her daughter replied: “I miss her as much as you all do. Thank you for letting your words be heard.”

After her death, her Facebook page began to serve as a “sanctuary” with tributes and a repository of the author's work. In addition, there were links for Internet users to buy her books.

After all this happened, the author emerged and announced that she was more alive than ever. For that reason, all the friends who helped with her funeral and book launch have said they want their money back.

Susan Meachen is the author of 14 books, including: “Love to Last Lifetime” and “Losing Him and Finding You”. In her biography, in amazon, she lives in Tennessee, in the south of the USA, with her husband, two cats and four snakes.

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