Careful! THIS app contains a virus and may be installed on your phone

Researchers from ESET, a world-renowned company in the field of cybersecurity, have found malware in an app available for download on Google's app store, the Google Play Store.

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This application, known as iRecorder – Screen Recorder, has already accumulated more than 50,000 downloads. since it was released on September 19, 2021.

That is, a very significant number of users may be exposed to possible risks, including you!

The malware's methods

ESET researchers conducted an analysis of the iRecorder application's malicious behaviors, revealing disturbing details.

It turned out that the app was capable of extracting recordings from the microphones of the users' devices. users, including recordings of private telephone conversations.

In addition, the app was able to collect other sensitive files from users' devices. After collecting this information, the application went one step further: it loaded this data into the attacker's command and control server.

This action left users vulnerable to various forms of malicious exploitation, from blackmail to identity theft.

Future implications of this hazard

According to Lucas Stefanko, a malware researcher at ESET, when iRecorder was released it seemed harmless.

This is why malicious software is believed to have been sneakily introduced in an update later version of the application, specifically version 1.3.8, which was made available to the public in August 2022.

The discovery of RAT (malware) in iRecorder brings to light the urgency of more rigorous and efficient security measures in stores. apps.

Users, in turn, must maintain a high level of caution when granting permissions to apps, especially when they request access to personal information or device resources.

That is, take a look at the applications installed on your cell phone. If you find it there, delete the app and replace it with safer screen recording options.

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