Do you have Emotional Intelligence? These are the 5 pillars, according to science

Dealing with people is not an easy task and with each passing day it becomes a greater challenge. Emotional Intelligence, according to psychology, is the ability we have to identify and manage our emotions and feelings, because once this is done, all relationships tend to become more harmonics. Therefore, get to know the 5pillars of emotional intelligence.

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If you consider yourself an emotionally intelligent person, find out which are the most important pillars according to Daniel Goleman

Check out the 5 pillars of Emotional Intelligence now:

1. Know your own emotions

Knowing your emotions is the main starting point for Emotional Intelligence. When you know yourself, chances are you know how to deal with everyday situations, so it's much easier to manage them all.

2. control emotions

Knowing how to control emotions is just as important as knowing them, because that way it is much easier to avoid fights and live in a more peaceful way. And in this way, it is also possible to improve communication and avoid misunderstandings.

3. Self motivation

It's about you being constantly aware that you can improve every day and invest more in changes that will always benefit you. So when you realize the need for change, think about how much this act will help you and the people around you.

4. Empathy

Empathy itself is a matter of choice. When a person chooses to be more empathetic, they end up becoming more skilled in dealing with people on a daily basis and this will develop their Emotional Intelligence.

5. Know how to relate interpersonally

Being aware that we will need people is fundamental and this is linked to empathy. The more empathetic a person is, the more he will be able to build and consolidate relationships with people. It is worth noting that a good relationship with people must be based on respect.

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