Hangman Game: Discovering the identity of the birds in the challenge is the main goal

O hangman game is a classic guessing game, it's simple and perfect to play with friends. To win the game, discover the words related to the theme before the drawing of the hanged man is completed. Currently, it is estimated that there are around 10,000 different species of birds around the world, so read the tips carefully to get the words right.

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1st Challenge: 6 Letters

Tip 1: Generic name given to a group of birds that have two characteristics in common: long beak and vibrant colors.

Hangman game.

Tip 2: These birds are found in the Neotropics and feed on fruits, but their menu is diverse and also includes eggs and chicks of other birds.

Hangman game.

Answer to the 1st Challenge

Hangman game.

It's hard not to notice a toucan's colorful curved beak. These omnivorous birds that eat insects, eggs and fruit can live up to 20 years in the wild. They like to live in warm, rainy climates. They usually stay in the treetops and can also live in mountainous areas. They are birds native to

forests tropical regions of South and Central America.

Did you know that a toucan's beak can measure up to a third of its body? No? Here are some curiosities about this beautiful bird: despite having wings, flying is not its forte, its beak is hollow and its tongue looks like a feather.

2nd Challenge – 8 Letters

Tip 1: It is a seabird that can measure about 120 cm in height and almost 2 meters in wingspan.

Hangman game.

Tip 2: Their diet consists of fish and amphibians, they are super social birds and tend to travel in flocks. Also, the bird appeared in the movie Finding Nemo.

Hangman game.

Answer to the 2nd Challenge

Hangman game.

Pelicans are amazing creatures, this bird has a unique special feature: a bag under its beak that not only catches large fish, but also stores them for a while. There are only 8 species of pelican spread around the world and in Brazil only the brown pelican appears sporadically while traveling.

In addition to being good fliers, pelicans are powerful swimmers capable of diving to depths of up to 18 meters and can hold their breath underwater for 20 minutes. They eat small fish and crustaceans like crabs, shrimp, and even other mammals.

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