How to identify the best olive oil? Research reveals the details

Researchers at the University of Jaén, Spain, carried out a study to develop a good method of evaluating the quality of cooking oil.

In this case, the scientists developed a way to analyze the product based on chemical and sensorial parameters.

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The study was published in the journal Food Chamistry and relied on 53 olive oil samples from several different countries and regions. The result achieved has been classified as surprising by scholars.

What did the study on the quality of olive oil show?

First of all, a good olive oil is one that has a high degree of phenolic compounds. This means that the product must have a high concentration of antioxidants, as they protect the oil from oxidation.

More than that, this type of substance works harmoniously with the body, providing benefits.

Research has also shown that the best oils need to be low in free fatty acids. On the contrary, it is necessary to have a high proportion of eleic acid, helping to reduce the cholesterol and blood pressure.

Signs that can be noticed

However, it is not just the chemical characteristics that are “invisible” to the naked eye that classify a good olive oil. Quality products should have a fruity aroma, which can vary depending on the degree of maturation.

Meanwhile, about the taste, it is important that there are bitter, spicy and sweet notes coexisting in perfect balance.

Noticing the presence of a musty, rancid or vinegary taste is a very bad sign. These characteristics demonstrate that it is a low quality oil.

About the color, the ideal is that it is in a variation between green and yellow. However, it is important to point out that the coloring can be very different, since it depends on the type of olive used.

In terms of texture, olive oil must have a palate fluid and unctuous, provoking pleasure when touching the tongue. That means you shouldn't feel that greasy feeling inside your mouth.

Where is the best olive oil from?

Finally, the research understands that the best olive oils are usually the Spanish ones, especially from the Andalusia region. However, Portugal, Italy and Greece also have great options.

South American countries left something to be desired in the test to identify what a good olive oil should have.

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