Caution: THIS WhatsApp function can make cell phones vulnerable to scams

Recently, Meta, the company that controls WhatsApp, announced that the most popular messaging app in the world would gain a “drastic” modification.

In summary, the update in question makes it possible for a single account to be accessed by five different devices simultaneously. Devices can be mobile or not.

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While there has been great satisfaction from many people about the new feature, cybersecurity experts warn that caution should be exercised when using the gimmick.

According to experts, criminals can take advantage of the new feature to hack into other WhatsApp accounts, applying blows.

What makes the new WhatsApp function fragile?

The new feature that allows simultaneous access of up to five devices to the same WhatsApp account works in the same way as WhatsApp Web synchronization.

In other words, for the devices to connect to the main account it is necessary to read a QR Code, which can be sent in image or code format.

That is precisely where, according to digital security experts, cybercriminals can act, diverting the QR Code to themselves in some way and accessing the accounts.

In addition, malicious software that may be installed on one of the connected devices can take screenshots or copy QR Codes automatically, sending the information to your controllers.

See how to avoid scams

To prevent your WhatsApp account from being hacked by criminals, take the following precautions:

  • Never pass your WhatsApp pairing QR Code to third parties;
  • Do not take screenshots of the WhatsApp QR Code screen, even if it is to be saved in the device gallery;
  • If you need to connect the account, disconnect it as soon as you no longer need the connection.

In addition to taking these measures, be aware of strange movements on your WhatsApp and on the devices where you use the application.

Graduated in History and Human Resources Technology. Passionate about writing, today he lives the dream of acting professionally as a Content Writer for the Web, writing articles in different niches and different formats.

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