Apron robots: Artificial intelligence creates dishes from recordings

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A recent breakthrough in the area of ​​robotic cooking has been presented by researchers at the University of Cambridge. They developed a “chef” robot capable of recreating recipes based on the analysis of cooking videos.

Although this technology is not entirely new - Toyota has already demonstrated something similar in 2020 -, the remarkable performance of this new equipment draws attention.

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During the experiment, the robot was exposed to eight videos with different recipes. Surprisingly, it was able to correctly analyze and identify recipes 93% of the time. In addition, he demonstrated the ability to perform the necessary movements to prepare dishes accurately in 83% of the actions performed.

Cambridge University 'robotic chef' demonstrated ability to prepare recipes

The researchers used the OpenPose and YOLOv5m networks to analyze the videos frame by frame. These networks make it possible to identify the hands of the cook, as well as the ingredients and utensils needed for each recipe. Through this detailed analysis process, the robot was able to understand the steps and elements involved in preparing the dishes.

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A demo video of just over a minute in length was released to illustrate the performance of the equipment. In it, it is possible to observe the “chef” robot in action, faithfully replicating the stages of the culinary process.

Even when dealing with relatively simple recipes, the robot showed impressive skills. He was able to recognize when a larger serving of an ingredient was needed and even identify small variations such as human error. It is noteworthy that the researchers recorded the videos with their own actions, without using complex transition effects.

This more direct approach allows the robot to accurately analyze each step of the cooking process. By recording the researchers' real actions, the equipment was able to identify and reproduce the necessary movements with a remarkable accuracy rate.

Indeed, advances in robotics and artificial intelligence have the potential to revolutionize many sectors, including cooking. With the improvement of the robots' capabilities, it will be possible for them to follow the video recipe tutorials without difficulty.

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