Banana chips: Learn how to prepare them in the oven or in the airfryer

You've definitely heard of banana chips, haven't you? But did you know you can make them without frying? You can prepare this snack in the airfryer and, in addition to being delicious, it will be extremely healthy.

However, if you don't have an electric fryer at home, don't worry, you can also make it in the oven and ensure less greasy food. Now check out this recipe for banana chips that can be made both in the airfryer and in the oven.

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Banana chips recipe (sweet and savory)


  • 5 regular bananas or 2 land bananas (not too ripe);
  • 1 lemon juice;
  • Salt and black pepper (for savory preparation) or sugar and cinnamon to taste (for sweet preparation).

How to prepare in the airfryer

  • First, preheat your airfryer to 200ºC for 5 to 10 minutes;
  • Then, while waiting for the fryer to heat up, slice the bananas into slices (as thin as you can);
  • Put them in a bowl and throw the lemon juice over it;
  • Then, when the airfryer reaches the ideal temperature, place the banana slices, reduce the temperature to 180°C, set a 40-minute timer and wait;
  • Remember to shake the airfryer basket every 10 minutes to mix the chips and ensure they are all the right consistency.

How to cook in the oven

  • First, preheat the oven to 180ºC for 10 minutes while cutting the bananas into very thin slices;
  • Then, take a greased baking sheet with the oil of your choice, spread the bananas without overlapping and take it to the oven for 10 minutes;
  • Then, turn the sides of the banana slices and return to the oven for another 10 minutes;
  • When they are ready, place them on a plate with a paper towel (to absorb the oil) and let them dry until they are very crispy;
  • Remember to keep them in airtight jars so they don't lose their crunch.

You can make your banana chips sweet or savory. To make it sweet, just add the sugar and cinnamon at the end and, with the bananas still warm, spread them all over.

If your preference is for salted bananas, season with salt and black pepper (or even black pepper). pepperoni) the way you prefer, throwing a little of each seasoning on top and stirring well to spread it all over the slices.

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