Cute and unique: discover 4 fun facts about orange cats

Orange cats are super common. In addition to being very cute, red kittens have some particularities. For example, they are the felines most likely to be "singers" and are quite extroverted. I bet you didn't imagine garfield doing that, isn't it?

Check out in this article some interesting features about orange cats and some breeds of these cats – and their most striking features. Let's go?

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4 interesting facts about orange cats

Here's gogó, dear

Orange cats have, let's say, a "predisposition" to be "singers". That means they have a meow louder and more melodic. Also, they like to go “meow, meow” back and forth. There are those who like it and there are those who hate it.

the soul of the party

Orange cats are well known for generally having a more outgoing, active and playful personality. That's why they like to party with their owners all the time and don't like to stay alone.

afternoon nap like other kittens. In addition, studies indicate that redheads have a certain tendency to be naughty and hyperactive.

Male with capital M

There are male and female orange cats. However, the greater predominance is of males with this characteristic in the coat.

This color is on my palette

Still talking about fur, it is very common for orange cats to have white spots. However, “bicolors” are rarer than 100% redheads.

Affectionate cat.
Photo: Canva.

orange breeds

There are quite a few breeds of orange cats, each with their own personalities and characteristics. Check it out below.


With long and silky hair, they are usually calmer and more affectionate.

Maince Coon

The vibrant orange of its fur reflects its cheerful and playful personality. In addition, cats of this breed are often very clever.


Orange Bengals tend to be more playful and active than other Bengals.

scottish fold

Its small, downward-curved ears are adorable, as is its personality: sweet and affectionate. It is for those who like more dependent and needy cats.

Graduated in Social Communication at the Federal University of Goiás. Passionate about digital media, pop culture, technology, politics and psychoanalysis.

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