Human bones can indicate a person's ethnicity

A recent study of the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) with artificial intelligence obtained results that surprise and worry the entire scientific community. The study in question observed CT scans of several people and after some tests, the machine demonstrated that it managed to develop the ability to distinguish the ethnicity of each patient.

However, this is a very delicate subject and can bring negative impacts to the world. Want to know more about this discovery? Then read this article in its entirety.

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The Unexpected Surprise of Artificial Intelligence

Professor Marzyeh Ghassemi, in charge of the study developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology through the use of artificial intelligence (AI), says he does not know how the program obtained these results. During the research, all characteristics related to the patients' ethnicities were removed from the CT scans and, even so, the AI ​​was able to identify the

ethnicity of each.

However, the students went further, removing patient information from the database and testing the AI ​​with images of different areas of the body. Still, even with all these restrictions, the machine achieved good results.

The question that remains is: how could a machine, by itself, make this relationship between bones and ethnicities?

Science still does not know how to answer this question. The bet is that the AI ​​will be able to distinguish patterns of substances such as melanin in the body constitution of different ethnic groups, which is not possible with the naked eye.

What are the dangers of the results of this research?

At various times in history, people in positions of power, mostly of white ethnicity, have tried to justify the racism using the biology as an argument for this. These “studies” caused immense impacts on society and, unfortunately, some insist on continuing to use racial justifications for their acts of prejudice.

To avoid events similar to these, the researchers have already publicly stated that these data are not used as an algorithm. The purpose of the study was just to test the accuracy of the AI ​​and its ability to gather and organize information. So, you need to be very careful when approaching this subject, because malicious people can use this information in the wrong way.

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