Google shows off new artificial intelligence to revolutionize web search

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Google introduced the already announced artificial intelligence Multitask Unified Model (MUM). It is an evolution of the BERT algorithm for online surveys. The presentation took place on September 29th, during the Search On event.

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Usefulness of MUM

Search On aims to present the news in the internet search sector. Google's MUM technology was the highlight of the presentations. Although it is not exactly new, it was the first time that its applicability was made public.

This artificial intelligence is able to identify patterns to improve and deliver accurate results. For example, the user can use Google Lens to have more comprehensive information.

It is possible to identify the print on a T-shirt and find similar patterns for other garments, such as socks. This was even the example demonstrated by big tech during Search On.

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In this way, the MUM performs the simultaneous crossing of a huge load of data found. This all happens faster than the blink of an eye. Therein lies the great highlight of technology during the event.

To get a small idea of ​​the tool's utilities, Google offered another example. Imagine that a bicycle is like some broken part. The user will be able to point the camera at the part and ask how to fix it. Soon, MUM will take care of finding videos, tutorials, photos and texts to help with the repair.

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In addition to MUM, Google also announced that it is working on new tools to combat fake news. In fact, the objective is to bring more reliable results for searches on the net.

An announced novelty was Things to Know. The tool will bring additional information that helps in the research of any subject. Thus, the themes will be deepened so that the user obtains a complete understanding of the theme.

Big tech will also place more emphasis on environmental issues and awareness. Also, it should expand related video results.

New features also include Google Maps. The app will offer a “virtual address” for locations in remote regions. Address Maker will be released to government agencies and non-profit organizations.

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