Hydrographic regions are territorial portions that comprise a hydrographic basin or a set of basins with similar natural and socioeconomic characteristics. THE Uruguay's Hydrographic Region it is one of the twelve hydrographic regions in Brazil, as classified by the National Water Resources Council (CNRH).
Occupying 174.4 thousand square kilometers in Brazilian territory, where approximately 3.8 million people live, the Hydrographic Region of Uruguay covers areas of the states of the Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina. Its average flow accounts for about 2.6% of the country's total, being of fundamental importance for carrying out agro-industrial activities.
This hydrographic region also has great hydroelectric potential, however, it is still underutilized. The main plants hydroelectric plants they are: Garibaldi (on the Rio Canoas), Socorro (on the Rio Pelotas), Iraí, Pinheiro and Machadinho (on the Rio Uruguai). There are stretches of plains suitable for navigation.
Uruguay, the main river in this hydrographic region
The Uruguay River, the main one in this hydrographic region, rises from the junction of the Canoas and Pelotas rivers, on the border between the states of Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul. Later, it travels 1,770 kilometers, flowing into the Rio da Prata. Other rivers of great importance are: Ijuí, Chapecó and Peixe.
In the Hydrographic Region of Uruguay, the Atlantic Forest and Araucaria Forest. However, the expansion of urban areas and agricultural activities, especially the cultivation of soy, rice and wheat, has caused the reduction of vegetation cover and greater production of sewage, which is released in these rivers, changing their properties in a way negative.
By Wagner de Cerqueira and Francisco
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team
Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/brasil/regiao-hidrografica-uruguai.htm