Diabetes: These foot symptoms could indicate problems

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Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a metabolic syndrome with multiple origins, which may be due to the absence or inability of insulin to adequately exert its effects. Characterized by permanently high blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia), this disease can cause two foot problems, neuropathy diabetic and peripheral vascular disease.

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How diabetes can affect the foot

Diabetes occurs when the pancreas cannot produce insulin, the hormone responsible for maintaining glucose, causing a deficit in metabolism. There are some types of diabetes, such as type 1, type 2 and gestational diabetes, but they all have the same factor in common, excess blood glucose.

Diabetes can be controlled, however, when this does not happen, it can cause numerous changes in the body. One example is the “diabetic foot”, in which a series of infections or circulation problems in the lower limbs causes wounds that do not heal. If not properly treated, the limb may need to be amputated.

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As mentioned, there are two types of problems that uncontrolled diabetes can cause in the foot: diabetic neuropathy, which affects and damages the nerves; and peripheral vascular disease, which affects blood flow and can develop symptoms in the feet themselves.

Symptoms and prevention of foot diabetes symptoms

The foot symptoms caused by diabetes can get worse when the person is lying down, some of them are:

  • Tingling, numbness or even loss of local sensitivity;
  • Pain, pins and needles and burning in the feet and legs;
  • Ulcers and fungal infections on the nails and feet;
  • Calluses;
  • foot deformities;
  • Tissue necrosis.

To avoid the worsening of the disease, it is possible to carry out some care, such as examining the feet daily, in addition to always keeping them clean and hydrated, washing them with warm water and drying them gently. Avoid cuts and protect your feet by wearing comfortable socks and shoes.

In terms of treatment, medical follow-up is extremely important, and the following tips are for educational purposes only.

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