Find out which products received tax exemption

Brazil is a country that imports many products, largely due to deficiencies in national production. As a result, many goods end up becoming too expensive due to taxes about import. On the other hand, the bodies responsible for taxation may decide to end these as a way of stimulating consumption and reducing the final price.

That was exactly what happened recently, when the Foreign Trade Chamber (Camex/ME) released a new list of products that received tax exemption. See what they are here.

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Medications are exempt

Most of the products that were tax-exempt are from the health area, especially medicines. This is a way that the government has found to try to reduce the final consumer price of such important drugs. For example, Tiotropium Bromide was 100% exempt. It is a fundamental medication for the treatment of breast, ovarian and prostate cancer.

In addition, Olodaterol Monohydrate and Hydrochloride also received this benefit. In this case, this drug is very common for the treatment of respiratory diseases, from the simplest to the most complex. Finally, we must also mention other commodities that are important, although they do not belong to the health area. As is the case with Polypropylene Resin, Silicone Lenses, Hydrogel and black and colored inks for printing.

List of other exempt products

But it doesn't stop there, as the ones we've mentioned are just a few of the items that should get cheaper post-tax exemption. However, it is worth mentioning that it is not yet known for sure how the benefit will be passed on to the consumer in terms of price. Now, see the complete list of products here:

  • Specific solar filter;
  • Heart valve prosthesis;
  • Electrode fixation prosthesis;
  • Black and colored inks for printing;
  • Silicone hydrogel lenses;
  • Polypropylene resin;
  • Hops for breweries;
  • Medicines containing olaparib;
  • Drugs composed of monohydrate tiotropium bromide + olodaterol hydrochloride;
  • Endovascular medical procedures;
  • High tenacity polyester yarn;
  • Hop extract.

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