More money: check out the professions that received the most increase in 2022

Michael Page consulting organized a list of some of the professions that received the most salary increases during 2022. Counting on positions in various areas, the relationship can be used as a basis for those who intend to enter the job market in 2023. Will your profession get a nice raise?

Read more: Discover the 5 professions of the moment that allow you to work from anywhere 

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10 rising professions for you to keep an eye on the job market

Alagoas wins the first professional master's degree in Special Education

According to the data analyzed, out of every ten positions, seven had a salary increase greater than the 2022 inflation. This survey is part of the Brazil 2023 Remuneration Study, which analyzes several aspects.

Check out the list of those who received the most salary increases in the year 2022:

Areas and professions that gained the most raises

  • Marketing: 48% of the positions;
  • Financial: 58% of the positions;
  • Computer Technician: 68% of the positions;
  • Engineers: 78% of the positions;
  • Logistics: 80% of the positions;
  • Secretariat: 84% of the positions;
  • Human Resources: 86% of the positions;
  • Bank officer: 94% of the positions;
  • Health: 100% of the positions;
  • Legal: 100% of the positions;
  • Insurance: 100% of the positions;
  • Agribusiness: 100% of the positions.

Below is the survey of remunerations referring to the areas analyzed by the consultancy study.

  • Marketing: salaries of up to R$ 4,400;
  • Computer technician: salaries of up to R$ 15 thousand;
  • Engineering: salaries of up to R$ 32.5 thousand;
  • Human Resources: salaries of up to R$5,500;
  • Bank officer: salaries of up to R$ 5,995;
  • Insurance: salaries of up to R$ 28 thousand;
  • Agribusiness: salaries of up to R$ 29 thousand;
  • Health: salaries of up to R$ 35,000, depending on the size of the company, employee experience and other factors.

Were you able to find your sector among those that received the most increases during 2022? If not, perhaps you can use this list to look for a new one. career, thus allowing new challenges and maybe even a much better remuneration for next year.

If you are not yet in the job market, you can use the list as inspiration when looking for options for paths to follow, as these were some of the most valued.

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