Federal government lowers taxes on video games

Last Thursday, the 16th, President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) made yet another announcement of video game tax breaks. As a result, the value of consoles and devices with a built-in screen will be at least 16% cheaper.

However, this value refers to devices whose production takes place outside the country and arrive here through importation. In addition, the president continues to promise to eliminate the IPI by the end of this year.

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4% decrease

The announcement came on the president's official Twitter profile, where Bolsonaro confirmed that once again taxes on these products will decrease. This is not the first time that the Federal Government has reduced the amount of taxes on this specific type of device in this mandate. In fact, for the fourth time there was a pronouncement on reductions that intend to considerably lower the final value of these products.

With this new reduction, the import tax on all video game electronic accessories goes from 16% to 12%. In other words, a decrease of 4% that intends to have a positive impact on the consumer's pocket. According to estimates, the buyer will be able to save up to 16% for the same type of video game.

President intends to zero the IPI

Still on video games, the president continued his speech in which he pledged to eliminate the IPI, which is the Tax on Industrialized Products. This tax ends up influencing the final price of industrial goods, which makes imported electronic products more expensive.

Thus, the promise to end this tax moved the president's electoral base, which aims to buy cheaper foreign products. On the other hand, national producers argue that this measure could weaken national trade and production, especially in the manufacturing sector.

This is because it would not be possible to compete with much cheaper products from abroad and whose profit is fully remitted to the country of origin. Including, the same producers allege a lack of commitment to investment in the national industry and even a process of deindustrialization in the Bolsonaro government.

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