Anxiety relief: Meditate at work with these 6 strategies

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A meditation it is a moment that allows you to reconnect. For some people, lack of time is a justification for not doing these steps, but there are some ways to practice meditation no matter where you are. Especially at work, practice can help reduce anxiety episodes.

You can also practice meditation at work

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You don't need to devote a lot of time to meditation. At the work desk itself, stopping for five to ten minutes makes this possible. If your work environment is too noisy, you can use two strategies: leave the room or use the aid of a headset. Below is a short list of strategies to apply in your daily life.

1. meditate sitting

This method can be used on intervals in a simple way. Look for a comfortable position, but keeping your spine straight. With your eyes closed, try to notice all the sensations your body feels. Leave only the thoughts and expectations. Go and come.

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2. focus on breathing

Perception in the moments when you breathe helps you calm down! In a comfortable way, also with your spine erect, breathe and inhale deeply.

3. breath count

She can help in moments of stress and anxiety. It can be done both sitting and standing, but the main recommendation is to keep your eyes closed. Start counting from the first full breath.

Keep counting down to the next ten.

4. walk and meditate

Can be used before or after work. Initially stopped, take a deep breath, keep your gaze lower and start walking, concentrating on your breath. Watch out! Don't get distracted on the street. Harmonize your breath with your steps.

5. mantras

This strategy can be done on the way to work or during some time of rest. stress. Mantras can be chanted both mentally and verbally. At the same time, take deep breaths.

Finally, be grateful for the moment, because you are alive and well.

6. mindfulness

It can be applied before important moments, such as a meeting or presentation. For this practice, your position doesn't matter! Wherever you are, focus on your breathing. Also appreciate the smells and objects around you.

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