Some coincidences are breathtaking. This one, for example, will impress you: the British Leanna Cartwright was registered twice by Google Maps. The records are 10 years apart. Coincidentally, in both records, she appears in exactly the same place, with a purse supported by her right arm. After posting on Facebook, thousands of users called her ‘’google maps time traveler’’. Discover more as you read on.
Read more: Learn how you can review old Google Maps images
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The Google Maps Time Traveler
Some people have a routine that has lasted for many years. They have the same job, they don't change cars much, and they even look the same over the years. This is the case of Leanna Cartwright, who is 41 years old and has been going to work on foot for many years, always passing through the intersection of Victoria Place. So far, nothing out of the ordinary.

However, this part of his routine was immortalized by the records of Google Maps, which uses satellite images and images captured by the company to create maps updated every decade. This is because the woman, without any script or pretension, appears in both records with the same characteristics, even though so many years have passed.

Did she ever think this would happen?
When the first photo was taken, the civil servant saw a car identified as a Google Maps car. These cars often photograph locations at an angle that satellites cannot follow. Subsequently, the images are combined according to GPS technology. Therefore, it is possible to see satellite images and also images of the street, with greater details.
Seeing this car, Leanna thought it would appear on Google Maps. When this situation happened again after a decade, she went to check the photograph again. She hadn't even seen the car the second time. Comparing both photos, she was amazed: by coincidence, she was in the exact same spot.
And what did she say about it?
In a good mood, mother and wife Leanna said that if she sees the car again, she will need to run to the place, to maintain the tradition of Google photos in the same place. Unfortunately, she did not appear on Google Street View registered in September 2020, as she was working from home due to the Coronavirus pandemic.