Artificial intelligence can predict the future

The advancement of artificial intelligence will impact all areas of our lives. From home cleaning to personal care. But today, a new chapter of this story gains a drawing. Now, the Artificial intelligence can predict the future… Have you ever thought about it? According to researchers, 99% of the times that artificial intelligence was programmed to predict future situations, it turned out to be right. The good news is that the tool was not able to predict apocalyptic situations, such as the destruction of the planet or the arrival of extraterrestrial beings.

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Experts say AI is a force for good

Progression of Artificial Intelligence

The idea of ​​analyzing how the tool works came from researchers in Germany, from the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light. Scientists have developed software with artificial intelligence to be able to study how it evolved. The software used information from academic works from 1994 that also made use of artificial intelligence. In total, more than 140,000 sheets of paper were used in the survey.

In this way, researchers began to request demands for the software, with the aim of making predictions about how the AI ​​system has developed over the years based on studies of 1994.

AI responses

The software showed 99% certainty in its answers, that is, it managed to be clear about the development of artificial intelligence over the years. So scientists have started to get interested in asking questions about the real future for artificial intelligence software.

Mario Krenn, researcher responsible for leading the studies, says that this is a new chapter in the history of AI, with the potential to resolve major future issues and contribute to the development of AI. science.

The idea is that the software will be able to make accurate predictions about which directions researchers should follow or how to use the scientific literature to further accelerate the progress of science.

Thinking about the future, the hope of scientists is that artificial intelligence will contribute with suggestions for advanced research, after all, the purpose of AI is to make predictions.

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