Over the years, numerous archaeologists have made numerous discoveries that have helped expand our knowledge of ancient societies. Recently, a team of archeologists discovered a secret passage within the Great Pyramid of Giza, in Egypt, with the help of technology. Now follow the fascinating discovery process.
The secret compartment was a great discovery in the Pyramid of Giza
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The discovery of the secret passageway inside the Pyramid of Giza is an exciting milestone in history research. Egyptian old. The discovery is especially significant because it reveals that there is still much to be researched and discovered in the pyramids, even after centuries of study.

Even though it was built thousands of years ago, around 2560 BC. C, the Pyramid of Giza still has a lot to reveal to us.
What is the hallway about?
The secret passage is a corridor about 9 meters long, which leads to a room that seems to have been left untouched since the pyramid was built more than 4,500 years ago.
Archaeologists believe the room may have been used to store ritual or funerary objects, but they have yet to fully explore the space.
In addition, there is a hypothesis that the space was created to carry out the function of redistributing the weight of the Great Pyramid of Giza.
How was the tunnel discovered?
It was thanks to the use of advanced imaging technology that the discovery could be realized.
By using infrared thermography, a technique based on cosmic ray radiography, researchers are able to carry out 3D simulations and map their location.
With this, the researchers were able to detect an empty space inside the pyramid that was previously unknown.
For visitors, discovering the secret passage can also be an exciting opportunity to experience the pyramid in a new and unexpected way.
Although the room is not yet open to the public, the discovery only adds to the mystery surrounding the Great Pyramid and other pyramids in Egypt.