Peel food to eliminate pesticides or consume peels for nutrients?

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Currently, much is said about how the use of pesticides can be quite harmful to health. In view of this, many believe that the best option is to peel foods to eliminate pesticides, after all, the substance is sprayed on the surface of food. On the other hand, failing to consume the peels can mean a loss of many nutrients.

Read more: 14 foods that contain the most pesticides in Brazil

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Is it better to peel food?

In fact, much of the concentration of pesticides is found in the skins of fruits and vegetables. Thus, when removing the peel there is a considerable reduction in the levels of the substance that would go to our organism. However, it cannot be said that this is how we get rid of pesticides, as chemicals tend to penetrate the pulp of the food as well.

Furthermore, the skins of fruits and vegetables are highly nutritious, as they contain the highest concentrations of fiber and vitamins in vegetables. Thus, by removing the peel, you also eliminate an important source of nutrients that your body needs and which even serves to reduce the effects of pesticides on our body.

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Therefore, most experts agree that it is better to stick to husks and look for other ways to lower levels of pesticides. For example, choosing to eat organic food is an act that makes a big difference to people's health, in addition to helping local businesses.

How to lower the level of pesticides

In general, the adoption of some simple habits can be enough to eliminate large amounts of pesticides. Like, for example, properly sanitizing the vegetables that arrive at your house. Soaking these fruits and vegetables with a certain amount of bleach helps a lot to reduce pesticides.

In addition, during cooking, vegetables usually lose large amounts of pesticides, although not entirely. Thus, the best option in fact will be to look for food free of pesticides and organic, usually sold at ecological fairs around Brazil. Furthermore, be sure to consume the vegetable peels, as they are important.

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