Oregano tea: learn how to make it and discover its benefits

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Who knew that oregano, so well known as seasoning pizzasand masses, could turn into a delicious tea? This versatile drink can be enjoyed on several occasions and accompanied by various snacks.

One of the great advantages of this tea is its combination of practicality, flavor and nutrition. It is easy to prepare and offers numerous health benefits, being a 100% natural option.

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The perfect combination for afternoon coffee

Imagine receiving an unexpected visit for afternoon coffee and not knowing what to prepare. Oregano tea is the ideal solution for these cases!

With its unique taste, it goes perfectly with cakes, toast and even a sweet treat. It is a versatile and sure option to please guests.

Learn how to make oregano tea

Now let's go step by step to prepare this delight. You will only need 10 minutes to have a tasty, healthy and super practical drink.

A revenueserves two people, but just double the ingredients if you want to make more.

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  • 3 spoons of oregano

  • 2 cups

Way of doing:

  • Put the two cups of water on to boil. Once hot, add three tablespoons of oregano and let steep for five minutes.

  • Then pass the tea through a sieve to separate the bran and get only the liquid.

  • Serve the tea still hot and prepare for absolute success!

If you want to make your tea even more special, try adding a touch of lemon or a little honey for one sweeter taste. These ingredients combine perfectly with oregano and will make your infusion even more complete.

Now that you know the recipe for oregano tea, be sure to try it at home!

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