Guide to storing watermelon cuts and enjoying its fresh flavor for longer

Watermelon is a fruit full of benefits for the body, such as zinc, which helps boost immunity, high water content, which contributes to the hydration of the body, in addition to having anti-inflammatory properties and many others more.

As it is a robust fruit, preparing it for daily consumption can take more time than available, so we have separated some tips for how to store cut watermelon.

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Storing cut watermelon can make it easier to eat

Watermelon is a fruit that can be consumed in different ways, such as juice, in fruit salads or in green leaf salads, its seeds can also be consumed, as they contain properties that are not found in pulp.

The best way to consume watermelon is to consume it fresh, this option is the most healthy and best preserves its properties.

Despite having low calories, watermelon has fructose, which is a type of natural sugar and therefore should be consumed in moderation, so as not to harm your health. Nutritionists recommend consuming up to two slices of 100 g per day.

Nowadays, with the practicality of the modern world, we can already find sliced ​​pieces of watermelon to buy, but they are usually more expensive than the whole fruit. Therefore, many prefer the whole watermelon and cut it, although it is not an easy task.

Therefore, it is necessary to store your cuts properly, after all, after so much work, we don't want to lose them, it's worth remember that the whole watermelon can last up to two weeks in the fridge and, after cutting it, it is recommended to consume it within five days.

Tips for preserving watermelon cuts

  • slices

Cutting the watermelon into slices is the quickest and easiest way to divide it, however, storing it in this format can be a bit tricky, so don't lose the pulp juice and conserve it in order to maintain its properties, the best thing to do is to gather the slices and wrap them in plastic film and store it in the refrigerator.

  • cubes

If the watermelon is cut into cubes without the peel, its storage is much easier and more practical. Just store it in an airtight container in the fridge, the important thing is that it is well sealed so that the fruit juice does not leak.

Furthermore, as in this format the fruit loses more juice, we must consume the cubes quickly or freeze them. However, the texture of the fruit changes if it is frozen, so this is a great option to use the cubes to make juices or smoothies.

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