Sleepy at work? Find out how this practice boosts your efficiency!

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Feeling sleepy at work is normal and, surely, many people must have gone through this in their professional journey. Although this is common, it is out of the question to take a break to sleep at work, so we fight as hard as we can against tiredness.

However, this can actually be harmful to us. Understand how a nap can be beneficial at work.

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Napping as a productivity ally

Find out why the nap habit should be attributed to our work routine:

The study

A study carried out by the University of Michigan, in the United States, showed results that prove that napping at work can improve productivity.

Something always seen as inadmissible within the professional routine can, in fact, be really beneficial to the company that encourages its employees to take breaks to nap.

Study process

For more accurate results, this study was divided into certain stages among the participants, aged between 18 and 50 years.

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Three days before the test, all those who participated followed a planned sleep schedule; after the 3 days they were asked to complete laboratory tasks, answering questions about sleep, mood and impulsivity.

The last step was to choose between a nap break or watch a nature video and after that break perform all tasks again.


Those who chose the snooze reported feeling less frustrated with performing tasks again, resulting in even greater persistence in completing them.

One of the study's authors, Jennifer Goldschmied, says that for people who need to stay awake for a long period of time, a nap can help very well.

This habit can help the employee stay focused while producing, strengthening the professional's durability and persistence.

The other participants who did not opt ​​for a nap seemed to be more vulnerable to giving up, impairing their efficiency and productivity.

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