Heinz launches chili sauce and gorgonzola mayonnaise; know the products

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During Amazon's remarkable Prime Day, Heinz held an exclusive pre-launch of two products: the Heinz Thai Style Sweet Chili pepper sauce and the new Gorgonzola flavored mayonnaise.

Known for its quality and tasty products, the German brand Heinz promises to elevate the gastronomic experience by bringing this new and differentiated pepper sauce to its consumers. Discover the flavors of the pre-launch!

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Heinz used Amazon's Prime Day to launch two products

O sauceof Heinz Thai Style Sweet Chilli combines the brand's signature flavor with an Asian Thai influence. This delicious option has a mild and slightly sweet spicy touch, the result of pairing pout pepper with jalapeño.

Recommended for snacks such as breaded shrimp and tapioca dadinhos, this condiment adds an unmistakable taste to dishes.

(Source: Amazon/Reproduction)

The new Heinz Sabor Gorgonzola mayonnaise offers consumers a combination of the striking taste of one of the most famous in the world, with the mayonnaise that was elected the best in Brazil in a survey carried out by Paladar Estadão in April from 2023.

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This novelty is perfect to accompany hamburgers, toast and snacks, adding a special touch to dishes. Furthermore, the brand's mayonnaise is made with eggs100% free range and carry the Certified Humane Seal, guaranteeing quality and care for animal welfare.

With this new mayonnaise option, Heinz demonstrates its commitment to offering high-quality, tasty products. Thus, the company manages to promote the flavor of gorgonzola along with the excellence of its award-winning mayonnaise.

(Source: Amazon/Reproduction)

The Heinz Thai Style Sweet Chilli Pepper Sauce is available for the suggested price of BRL 17.90 per 80ml unit. The Heinz Sabor Gorgonzola mayonnaise has an indicated price of R$ 12.90 per unit of 215g. Both novelties can be purchased through the Amazon website.

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