Discover the consequences of a lack of fruits and vegetables in your diet

Have you ever stopped to think about the choices you make regarding your food? If you are one of those who fill your plate with color or prefer monochromatic versions, if you opt for healthy foods or surrender to fast food, and if you include portions of fruits throughout the day or none.

At first glance, although these issues are personal, the absence of fruits and vegetables in your diet can have disastrous consequences for your health.

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In this article, we'll explore what happens to your body when you stop eating these foods and why it's important to include them in your daily diet.

Fruits and vegetables: the importance of colors on your plate

Surely you've heard that the more colorful your plate, the better for your health. This recommendation is widespread, especially among nutritionists, because food colors represent a variety of essential nutrients to keep our health up to date.

Fruits and vegetables are tasty and also contain vitamins and nutrients essential for the proper functioning of the organism and protection against diseases.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), we should consume a portion of 400g of fruit and vegetables every day, distributed throughout the day in 5 portions.

The impacts of a lack of fruits and vegetables on your health

When you fail to include fruits and vegetables in your diet, a number of problems can arise. Let's explore some of the main impacts that a lack of these foods can have on your body.

lazy intestine

The lack of fiber from fruits and vegetables can lead to sluggish bowels and constipation. The lack of fiber, a compound widely present in these foods, slows down the functioning of the intestine and makes it difficult to formation of faecal cake, resulting in fewer trips to the bathroom, dry and hard stools, and possible distention abs.

Intense and unmotivated tiredness

The nutritional deficiency caused by the lack of fruits and vegetables can lead to a feeling of constant fatigue and for no apparent reason.

The nutrients found in these foods are essential for providing energy to the body, keeping it healthy. active and able to carry out daily activities such as working, studying, playing sports and move around.

Impact on skin and hair

A lack of fruits and vegetables can also affect the health of your skin and hair. Above all, the lack of nutrients such as iron, zinc and B vitamins, found in abundance in these food sources, can leave the hair dull, weak and brittle, while the skin can lose its vigor, become dry and pale.

Increased risk of cancer

Although the relationship between food and cancer is still being studied, the National Cancer Institute (INCA) states that inadequate nutrition is the second largest preventable cause of cancer.

Furthermore, people who consume few or no vegetables are more likely to develop cancer in the gastrointestinal tract, such as colorectal tumor. A healthy diet, which includes fruits and vegetables, can act as a protective factor against the disease.


The lack of healthy foods makes room for the consumption of fast food and ultra-processed products, which contribute to excessive weight gain and an increased risk of developing tumors. In addition, certain processes used in these foods, along with additives and preservatives, may favor the appearance of cancer, as mentioned above.

Tips to include more fruits and vegetables in your diet

If you recognize the importance of including fruits and vegetables in your daily diet, here are some tips that can help you adopt healthier habits:

  • Freeze the fruits to avoid waste and always have them on hand;
  • Plan your weekly meals and separate the portions of fruits and vegetables into bags, facilitating daily consumption;
  • Take advantage of vintages and values ​​when buying seasonal vegetables at the market;
  • Try different vegetables and explore new ways to prepare them to make them tastier;
  • Start small by gradually including more fruits and vegetables in your meals.

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