By 2024, nearly half of companies will be able to use AI for hiring, study finds

A Artificial intelligence it is becoming more and more essential in our daily life. From utility applications to assisting in various tasks across different industries, AI is becoming one of the most valued technologies globally.

It is becoming increasingly common for artificial intelligence to take over tasks previously performed by human professionals. AI has the ability to teach, provide information and assist users in various tasks. It seems that there are virtually no limits to what an AI can accomplish.

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In this regard, specialists have warned about the replacing humans with artificial intelligences. The use of these intelligences in job selection processes is also becoming a close possibility.

It is that soon we will be able to come across job interviews motivated by Artificial Intelligence systems. This trend reflects the rapid evolution and adoption of technology in different areas, making it an increasingly important tool in our society.

Companies prepare hiring through AI

According to a survey carried out by the Resume Builder, a popular resource for job seekers, it has been revealed that a significant number of companies are planning to implement artificial intelligence for job interviews by 2024.

The survey, which involved more than 1,000 employees, revealed that approximately 43% of companies have plans to use Artificial Intelligence in the hiring process.

Recent research revealed that around two-thirds of AI-led job interviews increase the efficiency of the hiring process. Surprisingly, 15% of respondents said that AI would be used to make decisions about candidates without human assistance.

In contrast, 32% of companies revealed that they have no plans to implement artificial intelligence for interviews. Many of them said they prefer direct contact with candidates for vacancies and even for the effective cost that technology could cause.

As technology continues to evolve, new approaches and solutions are likely to emerge that meet the needs and expectations of both companies and candidates.

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