12 signs of cyclothymic disorder that may be hiding in you

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The call disorder Cyclothymic is a condition that affects mood, characterized by cyclical changes in emotions, with oscillations between periods of mild depression and periods of hypomania.

It is considered a less severe mood disorder than bipolar disorder. However, it can still have a significant impact on the affected person's daily life and well-being.

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Mood swings occur persistently and recurrently, and are generally longer lasting than temporary moods.

Mood swings can include periods of hypomania, in which a person may feel excited, energetic, and productive. Periods of mild depression may also occur, with symptoms similar to those of depression, such as sadness, discouragement and lack of motivation.

Yes, it is common for the disorder to be compared to bipolar disorder in terms of symptoms, as both involve mood fluctuations.

In fact, cyclothymic disorder is often referred to as a milder form of bipolar disorder, as the episodes of elevated mood (hypomania) and depression are less intense and of shorter duration than in bipolar disorder.

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Symptoms of Cyclothymic Disorder You Have and Still Don't Know

The symptoms of the disorder can be characterized in the following ways:

  1. Excessive optimism and excessively positive view;
  2. Racing thoughts and difficulty focusing on a single subject;
  3. Accelerated speech;
  4. Insomnia or reduced need for sleep;
  5. Increased sexual desire;
  6. Risk behaviors;
  7. Achieving goals quickly and constantly setting new ones;
  8. Difficulty staying focused and easily distracted
  9. Excessive spending;
  10. Difficulties in decision-making skills;
  11. Impulsive behavior and lack of consideration for others;
  12. Constant irritability, agitation and restlessness.

Furthermore, it should be noted that only one professional mental health clinic can make an accurate diagnosis based on a thorough assessment of symptoms.

If you are persistently experiencing these symptoms and they are negatively affecting your daily life, it is recommended that you seek professional help for proper assessment and guidance.

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