Which is the right way to spell it: WiFi, WiFi or WiFi? Understand

The term "Wi-Fi", which designates the wireless internet, is well known and pronounced. However, it still raises doubts regarding the correct form of its writing.

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But, after all, how do you spell: Wi-Fi, WiFi or Wi Fi?

First, it is worth mentioning that the term comes from the abbreviation of two words in English: “wireless fidelity”. It serves to name the data sharing technology without the need for cabling.

In other words, when pronouncing this word we are talking about something like “wireless” or “without cables”.

Although it is an abbreviation of two distinct words, the spelling “wi fi” does not exist and should be avoided in the spelling.

In turn, the junction is also not ideal. That is, “WiFi” is wrong too.

In this case, the right way to write the term within the Portuguese or any other language is the one that uses the hyphen separation: “Wi-Fi”.

This designation was even based on the term “Hi-Fi”, which inspired the proper way of writing.

Another curiosity is that the term Wi-Fi is in the female gender. This means that the required article is “a”.

Examples of sentences in which the term Wi-Fi is correctly designated

  • “I need to connect to Wi-Fi to access Internet. Internet";
  • “The Wi-Fi network at my house has functionality problems on a daily basis”;
  • “I need to call a technician to fix the Wi-Fi signal”.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that the term is not yet part of the cultural norm of the Portuguese language. However, this is technical terminology and can be used without any problems.

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